Monday, September 6, 2010

Just Another Door...

forgiveness Pictures, Images and Photos

Hoy son tantas las cosas que me gustaría decirte , que me quedo sin palabras de tan sólo pensar que sería perder mi tiempo una vez más. Vi tus fotos ... luces tan y tan feliz , que se me hace difícil pensar y ver cómo una persona que en la vida y por años hizo daño , hoy es tan feliz. ¿Será que la vida te perdonó?¿Será que Dios te dió otra oportunidad?... Realmente no lo sé , pero sé que detrás de ésas fotos tan superficiales algo escondes tú. No importa , la vida te hace pagar y aunque yo entienda que hasta que yo no pase ésta página no me perdonaré , Yo confiaré siempre en la justicia divina de Dios. Es un camino largo el que tendré que recorrer , son muchas noches tratando de entender , pero como siempre he dicho "cuando no lo es, jamás lo será..." me resigné a entender que fué mejor así.

Una puerta se abrirá cuando Yo esté lista para abrirla y ése día lograré entender que todo nunca fué en vano...fué sólo la realidad que me tocó vivir. Muchas puertas se abrieron al pasar los años , pero yo sólo  me quedé el la puerta del olvido. Mientras tanto mi camino recorreré , sin mirar atrás , así como me hicistes tú y trataré con el tiempo enterrar en mi corazón lo que un día me hicistes vivir, para así cuando la próxima vez toquen a mi puerta , Yo tan sólo pueda ver las cicatrices de lo que un día me hicistes sin olvidarme jamás de lo que un día pudo ser...
Suerte en Tu camino ... Ya te Perdoné

                    forgiveness Pictures, Images and Photos


Friday, June 18, 2010

A Very Good Friend...

"Friends are like diamonds, precious and rare, false friends are like pebbles, found everywhere."-Thanks Aidy! 
Visit Aidy's Poetry Blog 

In kindergarten your idea of a good friend was the person who let you have the red crayon when all that was left was the ugly black one...

"A precious thing , Not to be taken for granted..."

In primary school your idea of a good friend was the person who went to the bathroom with you; held your hand as you walked through the scary halls; helped you stand up to the class bully; shared their lunch with you when you forgot yours on the bus; saved a seat on the back of the bus for you; knew who you had a crush on and never understood why.
In secondary school your idea of a good friend was the person who let you copy their social studies homework; went to that "cool" party with you so you wouldn't wind up being the only freshie there; did not let you lunch alone.
In pre-university your idea of a good friend was the person who gave you rides in their new car; convinced your parents that you shouldn't be grounded; consoled you when you broke up with Nick or Susan; found you a date to the prom or went to the prom with you (both without dates); helped you pick a university and assured you that you would get into that university; helped you deal with your parents who were having a hard time letting you go.
On the threshold of adulthood your idea of a good friend was the person who was there when you just couldn't deal with your parents; assured you that now that you and Nick or you and Susan were back together, you could make it through anything; just silently hugged you as you looked through blurry eyes at 18 years of memories; and reassured you that you would make it in university as well as you had these past 18 years; and most importantly sent you off to university knowing you were loved.
Now, your idea of a good friend is still the person who gives you the better of the two choices, hold your hand when you're scared, helps you fight off those who try to take advantage of you, thinks of you at times when you are not there, reminds you of what you have forgotten, helps you put the past behind you but understands when you need to hold on to it a little longer, stays with you so that you have confidence, goes out of their way to make time for you, helps you clear up your mistakes, helps you deal with pressure from others, smiles for you when they are sad, helps you become a better person, and most importantly loves you!

Thank you for being a friend.
No matter where we go or who we become, never forget who helped us get there.
There's never a wrong time to pick up a phone or send a message telling your friends how much you miss them or how much you love them.
Chen Qin


Monday, June 14, 2010

What Friendship Means To You?

Many people will walk in and out of your life.

But only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.

To handle yourself, use your head;

To handle others, use your heart.

Friends Anger is only one letter short of danger

If someone betrays you once, it is his fault;

If he betrays you twice, it is your fault.

Great minds discuss ideas;

Average minds discuss events;

Small minds discuss people.

He, who loses money, loses much;

He, who loses a friend, loses much more;

He, who loses faith, loses all.

Beautiful young people are accidents of nature,

But beautiful old people are works of art.

Learn from the mistakes of others

You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.

Friends, you and me…

You brought another friend…

And then there were 3…

We started our group…

Our circle of friends…

And like that circle…

There is no beginning or end…

Yesterday is history.

Tomorrow is mystery.

Today is a gift.

That is why it is called the present.

(-: Don’t make them disappointed!

Friends are special & should be treated with kindness & respect.

Friends should be trusted & never accused.

Friends should be treasured .

Does friendship mean never having to say you're sorry, or truely feeling sorry when you have made your friend feel bad?

Friendship is not a thing of convenience.

You never abuse your friends, you protect them.

Friends keep secrets.

Friends make you feel secure, not insecure.

Friends are a part of your family.

Friends care.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Esta madrugada buscando en mi buzón ; leyendo y borrando mi correo electrónico de hace muchos años atrás ; encontré este maravilloso e-mail que en un momento dado una gran Amiga me envió. Es hermoso , por éso aún lo guardo con mucho cariño y sé que así como en algún momento dado me ayudó en darme fuerzas , así yo puedo ayudar a otras mujeres también ; espero les guste...


Las mujeres tienen fuerzas que asombran a los hombres ; Ellas cargan niños , penas y cosas pesadas ; sin embargo ,tienen espacio para la felicidad , el amor y la alegría...
Ellas sonríen cuando quieren gritar , cantan cuando quieren llorar , lloran cuando estan contentas y rien cuando estan nerviosas...
Las Mujeres esperan una llamada por teléfono de su hombre avisando que llegó sano y diciéndole que la extraña .
Las Mujeres tienen cualidades especiales ; se ofrecen para las causas buenas , son voluntarias en hospitales , llevan comida a los necesitados .Ellas trabajan como niñeras , amas de casa , abogadas y solucionan disputas entre niños y vecinos . Usan trajes , mahones , uniformes y minifaldas.
Las Mujeres recorren largos caminos para conseguir la mejor escuela para sus hijos y la mejor atención para la salud de su familia.
Ellas no aceptan un NO como respuesta cuando estan convencidas que hay una solución.
Las Mujeres escriben una carta de amor a su hombre y saben pedir perdón y perdonar. Son inteligentes y saben de su poder , sin embargo , saben usar a su lado suave cuando quieren conseguir algo.
Las Mujeres se alegran o lloran cuando se enteran de un nacimiento o matrimonio . Saben que un abrazo , un beso y un te amo puede sanar un corazon roto.
Una Mujer puede lograr , que una mañana , una tarde o una noche romántica sean inolvidables...
Las Mujeres vienen en todos los tamaños , colores y formas ; vienen en casa , cuartos , cabañas. Ellas corren , manejan , caminan o usan el e-mail...
El corazón de una mujer es lo que hace girar el mundo...
Todo lo que Ellas quieren es un abrazo , un beso , una caricia...
Las Mujeres tienen mucho que decir y mucho para dar.
La belleza de la mujer NO está en la ropa que lleve , la figura que tenga o en la forma en que se peine...
La belleza de una mujer debe verse en sus ojos  , a través de ellos , porque es la puerta a su corazón... el lugar donde el amor reside y también se refleja en su alma .
Es el cuidado que ella le da a la pasión para estar con el hombre que ama , a quién se entrega inocentemente...
Es el cuidado que ella le da a su amado cuando está enfermo o cuando le prepara una taza de té en las noches de invierno...
La belleza de una mujer con el paso de los años crece hasta el infinito ...
Por éso ... y por mucho más , hoy y siempre eres especial!


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Today I Had a Dream...


Soñé que era feliz , que tenía tres hijos , que eran mi vida ; que aún sin la presencia de un Padre , ellos eran felices junto a mí. Soñaba lo mucho que mi Padre los adoraba y lo mucho que lo amaban a él. Soñaba que a pesar de que mi camino haya sido bien difícil , era feliz porque los tenía a los tres...
Soñé que mi Padre vivía y lo hermoso que era aún contar con él y tenerlo junto a mí. Soñaba que a pesar de todo mi pasado , él me había perdonado y pude enmendar mi ayer. El ... Con el pelo blanco , con mucha fuerza y con deseos de vivir . Nos reíamos de mis errores , de los buenos consejos que me dió y nunca los seguí . Sí , nos reíamos de todo ; de lo que un día fué y lo que por mi bien nunca pasó...
Soñé que mi Mamá reía ... era muy feliz! Soñé que había vencido el cáncer , que ya hoy era un ser Feliz. Soñaba que jugaba con mis hijos , soñé lo feliz que era por fin verla ser una abuela y le dieran qué hacer. Soñaba que preparaba una mesa ; que cocinaba y disfrutaba el vernos reír y de abrazar a mi Papá... Celebrábamos que era sobreviviente del cáncer y que ya hoy la enfermedad era tan sólo una mala pesadilla del ayer. Soñaba cómo yo reía , cómo yo me disfrutaba verla abrazar con amor a mi Papá ; ver que aún luego de haber estado juntos más de 25 años ; aún se amaban más...
Soñé que mis hermanas estaban conmigo y cuanto nos reíamos de nuestra hermosa niñez . Eramos unidas , nadie podía con nuestra unión...
Soñé que en la mesa habían 10 sillas ; que apenas nos podíamos escuchar ... escuchabas risas , veía amor... Yo no estaba sola , estaba con la vida , estaba muy feliz...
Hoy tuve un sueño... soñé cuánto yo reía , soñé que no tuve tiempo de extrañar . Soñé que la vida sólo era una y lo mucho que la tendría que disfrutar.
Hoy soñé contigo , soñé con mi pasado y soñé con el ayer... Aunque contigo no soñé , no te pude ver , mi felicidad era tan grande y apenas me pude acordar que exististes en mi ; la felicidad todo lo puede  y no me dió tiempo de llorar . Aunque no te ví en mi sueño ; pude ver que en mi presente no eras necesario , que la vida continuaba y había un mañana . No nos ibas hacer falta porque yo seria muy feliz sin tí ; eran tan sólo saber que podría vivir sin tí... 
Ayer tuve un sueño , fué el más hermoso que quisiera yo haber podido tener ; fué verme feliz y tan sólo fué estar con las personas que realmente me amaban y el no poderte ver en él... 


Saturday, May 1, 2010

¿Porqué los Hombres No Aman Como las Mujeres?

Buscando respuestas a mi pregunta , no le pude encontrar una simple contestación ; pero sí encontré más preguntas a mis respuestas.
Pienso que sí deben haber Hombres que amen como las mujeres y si los hay ... son muy pocos. Primero quiero definir cómo ama una mujer , según a mi entender. Cuando la mujer ama de verdad , ama sin medida , ama sin límites , ama sin esperar nada a cambio , ama con el alma , ama con deseo , ama con la verdad , ama con pasión , ama con alegría , ama sin pensar ; pero más que nada , ama con el corazón en contra de la razón...
El Hombre en cambio ama con la razón , sabe cuando hay límites , sabe cuando decir No , sabe cuando escuchar y cuando No ; sabe no tolerar cuando no debe tolerar , sabe que el mundo gira alrededor del sol , sabe que cuando se acabó el amor ... se acabó. En fin , el Hombre sabe cuando su corazón deja de amar y lo peor de todo , sigue su vida como si nada pasó y vuelve amar sin mirar hacia atrás .
Yo me pregunto... ¿De dónde sacan tanta fortaleza y nos dejan amandonos?¿Cómo es que pueden ser hoy lo que no eran ayer?¿Cómo ya hoy no recuerdan lo que un día fué? ¿Cómo es hoy te dejan de amar y ya mañana aman a otra?...
Realmente no lo sé ; no me imagino qué será , según dicen ; un Hombre cuando deja a una Mujer al momento no siente absolutamente nada , pero al pasar más de tres semanas es que comienza a extrañar y es cuando empieza a sentir la ausencia . ¿Será esto cierto? Realmente soy mujer y no lo puedo confirmar . En cambio , la Mujer herida , lo siente al instante , al momento y cómo sufre su ausencia! . Esperando una llamada , esperando que pase por su casa , esperando un perdón sin explicación y quizás nada , sólo volver a empezar. Pero cuando ya pasan más de dos semanas y sin saber de él , a veces no lo es suficiente , pueden pasar meses , días y años . Pasa el tiempo y al corazón herido ya la ausencia no le duele más , aprendemos a vivir y más que nada , aprendemos a vivir en soledad .
¿Porqué una Mujer deja de ser ella por un Hombre? ¿Porqué algunas de nosotras las Mujeres dejamos todo por un Hombre?¿Porqué no podemos entender que sí podemos cambiar el físico de un Hombre , pero jamás su interior?¿Será cierto que el Hombre sí puede modificar su conducta , pero nunca cambiarla? Realmente no lo sé ...    
Son demasiadas mis preguntas y quizás nunca les encuentre la contestación correcta ; hoy ya la mujer no es como ayer , el Hombre ha hecho con el tiempo , que ésta sea fuerte y tenga siempre su sexto sentido alerta . Algunas , luego de que les pagan mal , van en busca de su venganza y practican el dicho "Lo que no es igual , no es ventaja...-ET" ; otras , se quedan aguantando infidelidad tras infidelidad ; otras siguen hacia alfrente sin mirar hacia atrás y otras lo sufren en silencio con deseos de gritar , de actuar , de vivir y de darse a respetar .
En fin , sólo puedo decir que no todos son iguales , pero a la larga o a la corta algunos lo serán ; pero lo que sí estoy segura es que muchas veces sin ellos , no podemos vivir.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Do You Really Think That "The Customer Is Always Right?"

The phrasse "The Customer is Always Right?" was originally coined by Harvy Gordon Selfridge ; the founder of "Selfridge's" a Department Store in London. This phrase is typically used by business to: Convince customers that they will get good service at this company and to convince employees to give customers good service.
I personally don't think that they are always right ; and thinking that they are always right is wrong. Most of the times makes employees unhappy because you have to value your employees first; if they think that you won't support them when a customer is out of the line , even the smallest problem can cause resentment. Of course , there are plenty of example's of bad employees giving lousy Customer Service , but trying to solve this by declaring the customer "always right" is counter-productive.
It gives abrasive customers an unfair advantage and using the slogan ; abusive customers can demand just about anything. This makes the employees' jobthat much harder when trying to rein them in. Sometimes customers are bad for your business and  one's of the results is that can cause worst customer service. You have to put your employees first and they will be happy at work. Employees who are happy at work give better customer service because they care about other people , including customers ; they have more energy and they are happy , meaning they are more fun to talk to and to interact with  and they are more motivated.
On the other hand , when the Company and management consistently side with customers instead of with employees , it sends clear message that employees are not valued , that treating employees fairly is not important. When this attitude prevails , employees stop caring about service .

What You Can Do and How You can Deal with Angry Customers?

  • Always Say Sorry - It doen't matter if you are in the wrong or not. Just saying sorry you can go along way to pacifying an upset client. If you believe it's not your fault then by all means  don't apologize for the problem instead apologize for the fact that they are not happy with the product or service.

  • Ask them for an explanation - No matter what they say , don't answer back , now is the time to listen carefully and take notes.

  • Make it right - Take each of the issues you've noted in turn and resolve them , where there's an obvious solution ; just do it! Where the solution is not so simple firstly say sorry. Then ooffer the customer something as compensation . Is the customer not happy with your offer , or you can't think of a suitable offer , ask the customer what they would like you to resolve the situation.

  • Make sure they are happy

  • Follow through

  • Offer them a reason to come back

  • Improve - Evaluate how you can improve your business so you don't get the same complaint again , then make the change.
Do You think that the Customer is always right? Why? How you deal with angry customers and how you deal with them?


Monday, March 1, 2010

Nations Restaurant News - Going Green

Nations Restaurant News - Going Green

Posted using ShareThis

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

La Amiga Que Una Vez Tuve

-Sorry , but this Article had to be written in Spanish , Please use the Google Translate for Translation.
-Los acentos en las vocales fueron omitidos para facilitar la traduccion al ingles

Tratando de poner mis cosas en orden , recorde que tuve una amiga... Una Amiga de años  que en las buenas y en las malas siempre estubo ahi. Una Amiga a la cual le conte mis alegrias y mis tristezas , mis fuerzas y debilidades en la vida . A pesar que estubo conmigo tantos años sin estarlo , su paso fue muy corto por mi vida. Reimos .... Cuanto nos reimos !!! De las cosas buenas que nos pasaron y de las malas tambien.
Gracias a ella volvi a creer en la a mistad , fue mi ayuda cuando mas la necesite ; fue mi fuerza cuando pense que jamas la volveria  a tener...
Si , esa es mi amiga ... fuerte como un roble , pero fragil como la hoja . Yo con tan solo decir que algo me hacia falta y ella sin pensarlo estaba ahi , buscando la manera para poderme resolver mi problema sin poder ; brindandome siempre su apoyo. Aunque yo pense que me podia entender , no fue asi. Aunque supe que la soledad era mala amiga y mala compañera ; no se lo adverti. Ella... Mi Amiga ; se dio cuenta sola... Ella vio que de tantos amigos que tenia , no tenia ninguno y fui yo quien pague. Ella sin pensar y sin querer , ya hoy no es mi Amiga.
Ella ; Mi Amiga ; algun dia entendera que la menos que debio pagar fui yo . Que aunque la Cenicienta solo exista en un cuento de Hadas ; ella se equivoco... Yo no pude entender , que tener prioridades en la vida , afectaria a los demas.
-Pero si... Un dia tuve una amiga , una Amiga a la cual siempre extrañare y le deseo lo mejor. Yo se que ella sabe que se equivoco , pero como en la vida tu eres esclavo de lo que dices y dueño de lo que callas ; lamentablemente hablo sin el corazon. Ella se dara cuenta ; mi amistad hacia ella fue siempre sincera , sin esconderle nada ; jamas hubiera sacado provecho de ella y de nuestra bonita amistad ; con el tiempo lo vera.
Ay de quienes dicen que un amigo es un peso en el bolsillo  ; en cambio ella jamas lo fue...

Mucha suerte en tu camino ; siempre mis buenos pensamientos para ti . Gracias le doy a Dios por haberte puesto en mi camino y por haber sido una gran Amiga . Gracias por hacerme recordar en tu ausencia de que esa amiga a la cual una vez tuve y la llame Mi Amiga ... Fuistes Tu.



Wednesday, January 20, 2010

From My Backyard

The Caterpillars ... eating the tree

Today I was in the yard of my house ; I had big desires to enjoy the sun ; it was so wonderful today , after it has been raining all week. To my surprise, I noticed that my favorite tree had been invaded by caterpillars and worst of all ... had eaten must of the leafs and the beautiful white flowers. I began to think and understand that those caterpillars with dark colors and bright yellows details, which later will be converted into beautiful butterflies needs to eat and to be prepared to next step in their life. The tree leafs' will grow again and the caterpillars will become free butterflies. 
This reminded me , that is just like in life as I compared them like the colon cancer that my mother suffers from that today and throughout this recovery process, thanks to chemotherapy. To my understanding the cancer is so, once it arrives is like eating you ; goes on and on until you realize that something is wrong in your body or the Doctor gives you the awfull news. This is why I compares the cancer with them , and the caterpillars have already been fought and the beautifull butterflies have taken a big step in life. They later fly aimlessly and are free in life ...

This is a Beautifull Orchid

This is the way My Mother feels today ... free , with increasing difficulty that gives the chemoterapy , but rather positive because this process soon be over. Perhaps , they don't have nothing in common (caterpillar & cancer) but , I do it in a symbolic way. She had her chemoterapy today and is the number five and are 12 in total. She is strong, and today came with a little discomfort, but she said that she feels blessed, because the chemoterapy has given her a big hungry and I take it as fairly positive.

The caterpillars can be like that I think , a cancer that is eating you inside, but the butterflies, make me think that this is how is this cancer in my Mother ;in process of change to make her free! Not to make her life difficult during this difficult process ; Is the way to let her live 60 years more.
Mother I love you and thank you for the gift that you give me everyday of having you next to me.

A Beautifull "Trinitaria" Tree


Monday, January 11, 2010

The Benefit To Please A Guest

Here... thinking in my corner, I began to remember good things about being a waitress and the good things about  working in a restaurant. But like everything ... has its pros and cons ... The Pros are more than cons, and I love to be working with customers and the hospitality industry ; that is the factor to be helpful or to please a guest. The Cons ... for me , everything is fine until we reached the tip ... this is just my opinion, I think that tipping is a kind of appreciation which the client gives to the waiter for having served satisfactorily. Consider the 15% ... is only a starting point, a bad service would be deducted on the way to zero if necessary, while the excellent service of high quality can be always higher.

To me good service should be rewarded and poor service should be punished. This always involves the Manager, Assistant Manager and Coach of the waiters, which is responsible to train them. But I always wondered: Why do you want to work in the service industry if you don't like to serve the guests? I really do not know. They are those who want to be waiters and complain when they have tables or do not want to attend and to top it complain that they don't receive the 15% tip or more. I really do not know, are people who can not provide excellent service and are always complaining ... It feels so good when you give a high quality service to your customer, and every time that they visit your workplace they will still ask you.

The 15% gratuity is and has become a sort of cultural tradition, that's not everybody follow, either because it's more money that has to leave to the restaurant or because they never worked in the service industry which can not recognize the work of a waiter to satisfying all your customer needs before serving. I always give the benefit of the doubt to the waiter, if food is not satisfactory or if it is, but their service is good, at least get 15%. Sometimes the waiter thinks, from their point of view: that a tip should be mandatory "But where would the service if this be so? Will miss the excellent service and high service if tipping is compulsory? It's a very difficult question to answer, because those who beneficial were the waiter and not the restaurant.

Finally, the most important thing to see and make me happy was always to see my client that always asking for me to serve them and it always made me feel great! The tip, while important, is the least confident thing that the waiter have to worry when the service is always excellent. As a waiter in the food & beverage industry , you always have to think positive, not for selling or sell them because it is most expensive on the menu, but always listen to your client. Please him always, because at the end , you are the one who's going receive a good reward ...


Sunday, January 10, 2010


Saturday, January 9, 2010

A New Beginning in My Life

Today I wanted to start my day in a different way ... I cut my hair after 7 years of not cutting, I feel free, new and willing to keep cutting. I thought it would hurt to do it, but it was not so, I did it myself and I have no regrets.
Everyone at some point in our life need a change, but often not dare to do, not by fear but fail. But through all these years of triumphs and failures in my life, I am not afraid to take the first step. Many new things arise when you take the first step and that's what happened to me ... I'm new!
Although I lack many things, but this year is just beginning, my list is long. It is sad that every time we end a year, we defer to think of all those resolutions that you did and not accomplish ... is a question of believing. I know...It's hard, maybe I'm not the best example, but this year Will Be! Finally, New Year .... New Life


Monday, January 4, 2010

If I see You Again...

Today I woke with a desire to learn, eager to understand ... To live without you, miss you not more in my absence ...

Even if you forget and you no longer want to see, even strange yesterday, although I do not want to have ... A thousand words are what you would say, but only I will tell ... I do not want to see you again ...

Another year passed without see you again... but you think you can even tell me ... and while I die here in the spring, summer, in autumn or winter ... You will not know I exist, to live no more inside of you ...

Think that you passed around here, brings me back to you, without you in my life without you in my sleep ... I saw you from my dreams without ever suffer for you ... dreaming that I loved you ... dreaming that one day I will have you again ...

By Liz Lebron

Friday, January 1, 2010

Living Happy ... But Lonely ...

Yeah… Happy but Lonely … when you stay with someone for many years , this is what happen next . You need to understand to be alone , love yourself and learn to be only with yourself. Happiness…I never meet that Guy ; I only met problems . Many years of understanding why a person can say I love you , but never loyal to you. You say faithfull and he is thinking to be unfaithfull … Always alone waiting for a word , but the word never came up , but the loneliness always there.

I learned that you can’t be happy until you accept yourself in the lonliness ; no matter what , no matter how many years ; you need to love yourself first .

By Liz Lebron

A Memory Left In Oblivion...

Remember, forgotten memories ... What happened? I still do not know. You smell ... Where is it? ... These are things that happened and never return. How I forgot, if I only offered him my love? Why did not I think if I went the most important thing in your life? ... Sad bitterness Where does? ... If, today left me in oblivion.

I remember more, no happiness and you think about it ... Who made you forget who taught you to dream? ... They're just illusions that gladden the heart are bypassed love, without going into the reason ... Could it be that you lack love? No ... my mind remembers the love, but yours recoincide in the illusion of new love ...

I can say you forgot, you do not remember any more ... The heart does not lie, it knows the truth. Conscience betrays and hurts the feelings with reason. In contrast, the heart helps to remember with love ...

See? Today you can not remember, I remember you hand every moment, every minute, every second ... Time changes, but as usual, but instead you changed it, leaving all they had in you ... My memories, I thought were unforgettable for you, but it was so dead inside you, so leave me, sinking into oblivion ... ..

By Liz Lebron

My Great Truth...

Time goes by, night falls ... Darkness conceals, lost light. Today I am here and you? Where are you? ... You there and I'm here without you. Everywhere you look, the more I listen only your name and not your heart. There is space, but there is no forgetting. I dream of having you, I dream of kissing, the night falls, I find myself alone and on opening my eyes I see shadows of what was. I want you to understand, that I understand my heart. Many things seem surprising, but the meaning of this are the beats of my love. The words are fast, but their meanings are eternal ... The heart is restless, but their desires are so desperate to feel immense. Love is still and is waiting for you by whom.
They will spend days, nights, rain and darkness especially does not matter, because although the sun off, love will shine and will not allow everything that my heart is dying in eternity ...

You see roses, is seeing stars, you see love and above all is to see my heart happy. Although you do not understand everything I feel for you, want you to know that even if people object or when your heart is the word impossible, I will be thinking that God will help me get what I most desire. Anyway ... despite tears overflow my eyes, I want you to know that my desire and love are immense but do not accept our love and my love for you, I'll try to make do with love in my silence ... ..

By Liz Lebron

My Sad Verses...

Can I write the saddest lines tonight, writing for example ... "the night is shattered and the blue stars shiver in the distance ... The night sky revolves in the sky and sings ..."

I can write the saddest lines tonight ... I loved you, and sometimes you also quisistes me ... On a night like this I will also in my arms I kissed her again and again under the endless sky ... I quisistes ... sometimes I, I will also wanted; Why not have loved her beautiful eyes ...?

I can write the saddest lines tonight ... I think you do not, I'm feeling that you hear at night ... more immense without you. And the verse falls to the soul
as dew to grass. What does it matter that my love could not have it? ... The night is shattered and you're not with me, that's all ... In the distance someone is singing ... In the distance, looking for my soul, my heart wants you and you do not are with me ....

We, then, are no longer the same ... I do not love her, true ... But ... I loved you much! My voice searched the wind to touch your ear. Otherwise ... otherwise you be ... Like before my kisses, your voice, your body clear ... Your eyes infinite.

You no longer love her, true, but maybe I love ... love is so short and forgetting is so long ... Because on nights like I had you in my arms, my soul is not content with losing you ... Although this is my last cause me pain and it is the last verse that I write, you'll be forever in my heart ...

By Liz Lebron